Thursday, March 25, 2010

Evaluation 6

What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation 6

We have used a variety of new technologies and learned how to use theme correctly. We have used a tripod; this is a three-legged stand for supporting the camera. This helped us keep the camera stable without wobbling, also this helped us do panning and tilts of the scene or the characters, it was very easy to use and when finished very easy to fold in and carry around.

We have also of course used a camcorder to record the film, very easy to use small and handy to carry around with you. Back in a couple of years they didn’t have all these simply handy equipment for use, they only had the noisy, heavy camera's the drag around with them, thanks to technology made it much easier and efficient for us. All of my group members had an ago at filming with the camcorder.

We also used a scanner to scan our storyboard onto the computer and uploaded to our blogs, Again very simple and easy, however even thought it scanned both of our storyboard onto the Pc one of them wouldn’t upload itself onto our blogs.

We also made quite a lot of use of YouTube to upload our film song from there and also websites to find the right font for our titles that fits the theme of the film. However my other group members had the video uploading button work, but my blog it's really strange it wouldn't let me do it, so I just had to upload some pictures from Google, which is very simple and straight forward to use.

And of course not to forget blogger itself, it's so easy now coursework done on the internet, how simple and efficient, this is also much more easier for the students, this encourages them even more to get it done, instead of papers and papers of work.