Evaluation 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Production, Distribution and Exhibition play a big role in making a film. However, because some films are produced on a small budget they won't be able to afford Distribution such as marketing and advertising their films. This could be as in posters or on the internet. Such as Shifty was one of those films, it didn't have enough money for advertising their film so not many people knew about it; however it got more famous when it came out on DVD, and more people bought it. Also they had free screenings to attract more viewers to come and see it. We also went to watch it with our media class. I really enjoyed it even thought the film was produced on a low budget it didn't look like it.
Eran Creevy Was the director/writer of the film, he could also be a good director to manage our film, because it got similar idea, stories to it.
Slumdog Millionaire was also one of the most successful British films produced on a low budget of £8.7 Million. Although as it was released and showed up on 2,943 screens, and at the end of the UK cinema release, Slumdog made £31,000,000.
Our Film could be supported by the UKFC it’s the government backed lead agency for film in the UK , they make sure that the economic, culture and educational aspect of the film are effectively represented. They support a group of people who come together and want to make a film; they give them an certain amount of a budget.
This could be good for ours as we are not capable for a film with a high budget.
However not all British films are produced on a low budget, and supported by well known
Institution. Such as working title is one of the biggest, most known British film companies. It works with universal studios to produce some good quality films to target a large audience America , Europe to help with funding.
Such as the film the boat that rocked was funded by this company; however in America they changed the film's name to Pirate Radio also their trailer, was changed in the US focused on the American actor even though he wasn't the main character.
The very good thing about if this company funded our film, more people would want to watch it, as the company funded it has a reputation bigger name. So the company name also place a big role, because at the end most people also look at what company funded the film.
The producers and directors of our film, It's me (Azza), fabienne G, and Tom T. We worked together as a team and shared our ideas.
If we had the budget to advertise it, I think my group would do it on the internet, as it shares it’s global also because our film is focused for younger people. Teenagers and they use the internet mostly which they find it easy to access.
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