This was also one of the films that has inspired us
I am going to analyse how camera, editing, sound and mise en scene are used as conventions in the action thriller Domino.
The extract that I’ve watched uses a lot of close ups, which build the tension.
At the start of this extract, they included the close up on the police woman; this showed her reaction, and emotions. It showed us the strength she had of being in charge, however it also showed us the anger and pressure she was put into. Also another close up was on the woman that was wanted for crime, this close up showed the fear, anger in her face, and we could see the eyeliner running down her face sweating. The final close up was focused on the old man on the ground covered in his own blood, he was calling the name of the woman he was with she must be related to him in some way, he looked frightened that if she got shot, and tried to convince her to put down her weapon before she got shot. A close up lets the viewers focus on the character emotions as the background isn’t visible. There was also a crane shot at the second scene at the very end of this extract, it shows the sunset behind the mountains which showed what time of day it was shot, then moved straight of to a long shot onto a different scene which showed a stereotypical American empty farm, land, this shows the setting of the scene.
After the first scene right away, they started with the names fading in and played this rapping style gangster music. This gives the viewer a hint of what the film might be about. The stereotypical way of thinking how something is linked with the music. This could be known as sound motif. The type of music that played at the start identifies, the gangs, youth, crime generation of how people link it with, when you say rap that’s the first idea that comes up. Also during the introduction of the film they included images of some different scenes in the film, whilst this was going on they included voice overs of some of the characters, saying things such as “I have to start at the beginning” “America ”, it also gave bits away of the film’s plot. Even the song they played. The rappers kept repeating “trying to make a living”. You get the feeling of the stereotypical American, crime, men films of selling drugs on the street to make a good life for their selves.
This extract contained guns, drugs, alcohol, cars and sun glasses. It’s the stereotypical action film.
Also the scenes that came up we could see woman in nightclubs, men with guns it’s a dominant men film. You could also identify that it is a modern film, the fading in names glowing colours which again represents the night life in America . The way the woman dressed up in clubs and the also the music is modern. The lighting at the first scene was added a slightly tilt of yellow; this is that the connotations that colours carry are important showing the atmosphere in the scene.
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